Order Cupcakes

1) What flavour shall I have?
Have a look at the “flavour” section and decide on the flavour you would like to order.

2) How shall I have them decorated?
Your cupcakes can either be girlyboymixeor neutral. All the decorations will differ slightly but if there is something in particular you would like then do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to arrange this for you.

3) How many shall I order?
Cupcakes are available either in boxes of 6 or 12. 6 cupcakes are £8 and 12 cupcakes are £15.

4) How do I order?
Email jennyscupcakes@live.co.uk with your selection or phone us on 07792 263 727. We will always be happy to help!

5) What about delivery?
Delivery within Woodborough and surrounding local villages is free. Elsewhere in Nottingham there is a £5 charge for delivery.

6) Nom nom nom.....
Time to sit back, relax and enjoy one of our delicious cupcakes!